About PTAP
Prime Time Athletic Performance works with athletes of all ages to help them perform their best on and off the field with proper nutrition and exercise.
As a Personal Trainer, strength and conditioning, and a certified fitness nutrition coach I see athletes with muscle imbalances and poor nutrition halting positive progression in their athletic career. Working with athletes from elementary school to college it’s important to start them off early with a proper progressive exercise programs and daily nutrition so they can perform at their highest level every day. There is no better reward as a coach than watching an athlete hit and exceeded their sports fitness goals.
Prime Time Athletic Performance Supplement line provides the best nutritional supplements so athletes hit their goals in record time. Our supplements are designed for ATHLETES and used by CHAMPIONS
Nutrition makes up a large portion of your overall health. People say “Abs are made in the kitchen”. If you’re not eating a proper healthy diet, doing 1000 crunches won’t produce a stunning 6 pack. Spending hours in the gym is useless without the right nutrition guidance. Supplements are a great way to fill in the gaps from what you miss in a normal healthy diet. You gain weight, lose weight, build muscle, control inflammation and regulate bowels all through nutrition and supplements. Exercise progresses all of these things but nutrition is the main factor in your overall health. Prime Time will help you reach your health and nutrition goals with top quality supplements.
